USBWA Washington and Lee News

Wheaton's Richardson, Washington & Lee's Schleusner are USBWA Division III National Players of the Week

Soren Richardson of Wheaton College (Wheaton, Ill.) and Mary Schleusner of Washington & Lee University (Lexington, Va.) were named the U.S. Basketball Writers Association Division III National Players of the Week for the period ending February 9.

Belhaven's Reese, Washington & Lee's Schleusner are USBWA Division III National Players of the Week

Jacob Reese of Belhaven University (Jackson, Miss.) and Mary Schleusner of Washington & Lee University (Lexington, Va.) were named the U.S. Basketball Writers Association Division III National Players of the Week for the period ending January 19.

Hampden-Sydney's Brazil, Washington & Lee's Schluesner are USBWA Division III National Players of the Week

Adam Brazil of Hampden-Sydney College (Hampden-Sydney, Va.) and Mary Schluesner of Washington & Lee University (Lexington, Va.) were named the Basketball Writers Association Division III National Players of the Week for the period ending November 17.

Virginia Wesleyan's Seargeant, Washington and Lee's Schleusner are USBWA Division III National Players of the Week

Khai Seargeant of Virginia Wesleyan University (Virginia Beach, Va.) and Mary Schleusner of Washington and Lee University (Lexington, Va.) were named the U.S. Basketball Writers Association Division III National Players of the Week for the period ending January 7.

Manchester's Smith, Washington and Lee's Schleusner are USBWA Division III National Players of the Week

Bryant Smith of Manchester University (North Manchester, Ind.) and Mary Schleusner of Washington and Lee University (Lexington, Va.) were named the U.S. Basketball Writers Association Division III National Players of the Week for the week ending December 17.