Call for entries: Submit your work for the 33rd Annual FWAA Best Writing Contest

By FWAA Editor • Rules • Tags: Football Writers Association of AmericaFWAA

DALLAS--FWAA members can begin submitting entries in the 33nd Annual Best Writing Contest sponsored by collegeressbox immediately.  The deadline for submitting entries  is July 1, 2025


  • Game Story (Immediate Deadline)
  • Feature Story/Profile
  • Enterprise/Investigative
  • Column/Analysis/Commentary

In addition, we have the Beat Writer of the Year Award for the top beat writer as judged by a special FWAA committee headed by FWAA Executive Director Steve Richardson. See separate nomination/entry procedure below.


You must be an FWAA member in good standing to enter.

Deadline: July 1, 2025. Entries sent after the deadline WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.

Limit: One (1) article per category, although a series of articles may be submitted in the enterprise category. We will not accept books.

Entries must have appeared in print or on line between Feb. 1, 2024, and Jan. 31, 2025.

Entries must be submitted electronically to account:  Entries not sent to this email address will not be accepted.

Send MS Word or text files only. DO NOT SEND HTML files, Word Perfect files, stories in other word processing software or links to stories on the Internet or electronic libraries.

Make your entry easy to read by taking out unnecessary carriage returns (They can give your entry an odd look when opened by a judge’s word processing program).

Delete any embedded advertising, photos and cutlines from the files (The file should contain only your story and your identifying information).

At the top of each entry, the following information should be included:

  • Writer(s)
  • Publication or online service
  • Category
  • Date of publication
  • E-mail address and telephone number for the writer(s) of the entry.

The entries will be sorted and stripped of identifying information and forwarded to the judge(s).

Word files containing your entries should follow this naming convention: yourname-category

The category must be one of these four words: Game, Feature, Enterprise or Column

Example: SteveRichardson-Game.doc.

Questions on the Best Writing Contest? Email Steve Richardson at


If you have a nomination of a beat writer who covers major college football (either a team or a conference) or you want to nominate yourself, please send an e-mail/letter explaining the qualifications of the person (no more than 250 words) to:

  • Steve Richardson
  • FWAA
  • 18652 Vista Del Sol
  • Dallas, TX 75287
  • Cell: 214-870-6516

Steve and his committee will then make inquiries into the FWAA members nominated. In order to qualify for this award the person nominated must have been an FWAA member during the 2024 football season.
